Making the most of your business membership.
Don't just join and forget about it. Stay active with your membership and keep us on your email list. Review the list below and don't forget to open your email from us to stay on top of the frequent opportunities that come with your Buy Local member business participation.
Remember to tell us about your sales, specials, openings, events and any news from your business and we will include it in our next e-newsletter to Island Club members or on our social media pages. Just send us an email here:
Create a special coupon for Island Club members. Email us for more details.
Display the Buy Local participating business window decal and a reasonable notification near your register.
Ask customers if they are Island Club members. Remember to train your staff to ask too.
Add the Buy Local Logo to your marketing and website.
Share that you are a Buy Local member business on your social media pages.
Add or share a link to the website.
Follow us on social media to stay up to date on Buy Local special offers.